Blog: The 2024 Unstoppable Chayil Women’s Conference Reflections

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Dear Unstoppable Chayil Women Sisters

Can you believe it’s one week since we were together on October 26th?

As I sit back and replay in my mind the special time we had together, I am immensely grateful to have been in the presence of the Lord with each of you. Every laugh, every tear, every moment of revelation, every hug, and every instance of sharing and openness - all contributed to a truly sacred and memorable experience.

I have been praying about all that went forward from the time each of you entered into the room, until the time we left each other, and my prayer has been that each seed placed on the inside of you will flourish and bear fruit in your lives. If what was seeded inside of you was a deeper focus on creating a dialogue with God, then I pray that your conversations and relationship with God grows deeper. If what was planted inside of you is a stronger conviction that you are more than enough just as you are, than I pray that you live into the fullness of being uniquely and powerfully YOU. If within you there is a growing awareness that you are not ordinary but invaluable, my hope is that you gain a profound realization of what it means to be esteemed more highly than the most precious, rare, and expensive gems. If God's call for a rich, fulfilling intimacy in your marriage resonated with you, my prayer is that you deeply invest in your spouse - recognizing that this is ministry too. If you feel called to pursue your dreams of business ownership with faith, my prayer for you is to take those courageous steps and discover what God has instilled within you. If you felt the push to live into strategic leadership, my prayer is that you do so by seeking God first for His guidance - speaking and moving with wisdom and favor. For those yearning for deeper, more significant sisterhood connections, it's my hope that you'll pursue them wholeheartedly, catering to the love language needs of both you and your friends - it's crucial to acknowledge that YOU are instrumental in dispelling the shadows of isolation and loneliness, not just for yourself but also within your community. My prayer for everyone is that we acknowledge the profound gratitude we owe to God in Christ and express our thankfulness by sharing His works in our lives and His love and forgiveness for others.

Your 2024 Unstoppable Chayil Women Speakers also wanted to share these key messages from their sisterhood time with you:

Elect Lady Akowa Armstead - (Perfecting Triumphant Overcomers Church) (Session: Uncommon Prayer)

“While many believe prayer is a monologue, or a one-way conversation with God, Uncommon Prayer is a dialogue of talking to God and hearing from Him. Before going to God in prayer, we must search the Bible to discover His view and will on the matter. Unlocking the power of uncommon prayer will come when we pray the Word of God (to God) in faith in the name of Jesus and hear the voice of God - that God’s will may be accomplished in and through our lives.”

Minister Lashun Franklin, MA, LLP - (Song of Solomon Relationship Institute) (Session: Uncommon Bonds (Married)

“Intimacy must be prioritized not controlled. There are emotional barriers that prevent uncommon bonds that must be dealt with including unforgiveness, generational traumas, and cultural pressures.”

Dr. Georgia Hill - (Life Church Riverside) (Session: Uncommon Life (Singles)

“Single Chayil women have structural integrity. We are able to bear the load of singleness so that when the winds blow and the rains come, we can stand. We stand knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We stand knowing that our relationship with God comes first. And we know the secret to both abundance and lack - we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.”

Robin Kinnie - (Motor City Woman Studios & Audio Engineers of Detroit) (Session: Uncommon Faith (Entrepreneurs)

“There are two main components of starting a business: having customers and having faith.

  • The first step in bringing your vision to fruition is to write out who you want to serve and why.

  • Know that God will supply the needs that you make known to Him. From there, take “inspired action” which means to work towards you goals one-by-one. Resources are plentiful and stand ready to support you on your entrepreneurial journey.”

The Thank Yous!

I could not have achieved the second annual Unstoppable Chayil Women’s Conference without the support of my partners. To that end, I want to thank Strategic Diversity LLC, The Harmon Group, VMX International, V2Soft, media sponsor Motor City Woman Studios, and our videography sponsor Suane Loomis for their support. A special thanks also to Huntington Bank and InspireHER CDC for supporting as a community partners within our Vendor Alley. And thank you to my Pastors Alan Tumpkin and our executive Pastor Marcia Tumpkin for your prayer, encouragement and support and my Life Church Auburn Hills (Donearl Johnson) and Life Church Riverside (Alex Rayhill) Brother Pastors for your support. I appreciate you all very much!

Thank you to our 2024 guest speakers - Pastor Dr. Georgia Hill, Elect Lady Akowa Armstead, Robin Kinnie, and Minister & Therapist Lashun Franklin for lending their hearts and expertise to each of us! Thank you to the event staff - Entrusted Moments (Decor and Event Management), Timeless Kreations (Photography), and The Erica Johnson Band (Music). Thank you to ‘I’m Just Bragging on Brand‘ for printing our t-shirts this year. And The BIGGEST shout out my family: Clarence Ray, Khalaya Daniels and Khiyon Daniels; my Zeta Phi Beta Soror, Renee Lafitte; and my Life Church Southfield Sister - Jennifer Dulecki! I appreciate each of you VERY much for showing your support! You made the 2024 Unstoppable Chayil Women’s Conference run smoothly and you did so with kindness and excellence.

The icing on the cake was the beautiful gift we received in the form of a conference theme song (The Chayil Woman) with lyrics and melody written by my dear friend and sister, Arlette Willis with music arranged by my dear friend and brother, Mark Willis. The Chayil Woman song continues to resonate in our hearts! I can’t thank you enough for supporting the conference and sharing your gift with us all the way from Arizona! I love you!

I wanted to leave you with this brief clip highlighting a few moments of our time together. I hope it takes you back to this precious time - reminding you that God is present with us and that we are indeed Chayil Women, followers of Jesus - Daughters of the Most-High God!

Yours in Faith and Sisterhood,

Sylvia Daniels Ray

President & CEO, Strategic Diversity, LLC

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